ART Club

FBCS Art Club 2013-2014

There will be 2-8 week Art Club Sessions this year.
5th & 6th graders will meet the first semester.
7th & 8th graders will meet second semester.

5th & 6th graders
***Please see Mrs. McCullers if you are interested in participating.

You are required to sign up!  Space is limited so sign up ASAP!

Dates:  Wednesday September 11, 18, 25.  October 9, 16, 23, 30.  November 9.

***A permission slip will be sent home and must be signed by a parent and returned to Mrs. McCullers  or Mrs. Smith before Tuesday, September 10th.

7th & 8th graders
***Please see Mrs. McCullers if you are interested in participating.

You are required to sign up!  Space is limited so sign up ASAP!

Dates:  Wednesday January 15, 22.  February 12, 19, 26.  March 12, 19.  April 9.

***A permission slip will be sent home and must be signed by a parent and returned to Mrs. McCullers or Mrs. Smith before Tuesday, January 14th.

Place:   Art Room
Time:  2:30-3:30
Pick up:  Students are to be picked up by aftercare.  Students who have not been picked up by 3:45 will be sent to aftercare and the parents will be charged aftercare fee.


  • Students must be in 5th-8th grade
  • All grades must be "C" or higher
  • No major infractions
  • If students are tardy more than 3 times or absent more than 3 times they will be dismissed from Art Club.  There are some exceptions to this rule and each tardy/absence will be dealt with individually.
  • Rules and procedures are the same for Art club as for regular class.  Any student that does not follow the rules, expectation or procedures will be given a warning.  If the problem continues students will be dismissed from Art Club.