Thursday, August 15, 2013


What to Expect this School Year

I am looking forward to this new school year.  Over the summer I put together some fun and exciting lesson plans for the students.  My desires for this year include:  1) teaching students about various artists; 2) exposing them to various media techniques; 3) presenting art elements and principles; and 4) integrating Biblical principles into the lessons.  

I will once again be posting all of our art projects on Artsonia, which not only lets us share the Artwork with friends and relatives far away, but also offers FBCS a wonderful way to earn funds for the art room through customized keepsakes.  If you are new to our school expect an email with sign-in information. 
In addition, each student will have artwork on display at the annual FBCS Art Exhibit in February of 2014.  A selected team of judges will choose three pieces of artwork from each grade to be exhibited at the Regional ACSI Art Festival in May.

Our school art website will keep you updated on art projects, art club, and art information.  I will be taking photographs of student’s artwork to post to this website.  You will be receiving a photo release form to sign and return.

Extra Activities

Art Club is offered for 5th – 8th grade. This year we will be having 2 sessions.  Session 1 is for Grades 5 & 6 and Session 2 is for Grades 7 & 8.  Space is limited so sign up is required.  You will be receiving more information soon.

FBCS sponsors a National Junior Art Honor Society chapter that meets periodically throughout the year.  NJAHS is made up of selected students grades 6-8, for “the purpose of inspiring and recognizing those students who have shown an outstanding ability in art” (from the National Art Honor Society website).

ART Grades

It is important to understand that at FBCS we do not grade children’s artwork, rather, we grade art progress.  I will be looking for growth in artistic expression, art knowledge, and skills mastered, as well as conduct and social behavior in art class.

K-3rd Grade
S” ” is given if the student has maintained an excellent attitude, exhibited excellent participation, put forth effort and listened well.
 “I” is given if the student has improved in attitude, participation, effort and/or listening skills.
N” is given if the student could improve on attitude, participation, effort and/or listening skills.
U” is given if the student needs great improvement in attitude, participation, effort and/or listening skills.

4th-8th Grade
A” is given if the student has maintained an excellent attitude, exhibited excellent participation, put forth effort and listened well.
B” is given if the student could improve somewhat on their attitude, participation, effort and/or listening skills.
C” is given if the student could definitely improve on his/her attitude, participation, effort, and/or listening skills.
D” is given if the student has a poor attitude, poor participation, little effort, and/or poor listening skills.
F” is given if the student has failed in attitude, participation, effort and/or listening skills.

ART Class Rules

Students are expected to adhere to the FBCS Student Handbook Rules.  During class I expect the following:
  • Students will have a good attitude toward teachers and peers.
  • Students will be considerate of others through words and actions.
  • Students will not talk back to teachers or intentionally break rules.
  • Students will work hard, complete work, and follow directions.
  • Students will talk at appropriate times and consistently raise their hands.
  • Students will help keep all work, art supplies and classroom area clean and in order.